0s & 1s are all the same aren’t they? Is it really worth paying for a “better” Streamer?

OK, so at the moment I use a Raspberry Pi into a Denafrips DAC.

I’m looking for the best sound I can get, but also to reduce boxes if I can (SQ is the decider), so looking at either an Integrated or Preamp with DAC or buying a Streamer with DAC, which would free me up to buy any Integrated or Pre..

But my question is, fed into the same DAC, do expensive Streamers really sound any better than a Raspberry Pi?    After all, aren’t 0s & 1s just that????

I can buy an Auralic Aries at a good price.  Would I really hear a difference?

I’ve only ever heard 2 expensive Streamers, both Linn.   Wasn’t at all impressed.   All I could hear is that awful smeared Linn house sound.

Is there an outstanding Streamer with Onboard DAC I should go for?


I've listened to at least a dozen streamers including a raspberry pi and I could never tell a difference in SQ. The most expensive was the Auralic. Some had features I liked, better UI, etc..
IME, the digital server is an important part of the system, and choices there can limit the quality of the music your system makes.  I've heard important sonic differences in the following:

Dedicated Win7 computer as source (adequate, but thin sounding)
Roon Nucleus (more detail, a little fuller)
Antipodes DX II (finally, some harmonic meat on the bones that starts to approach analog enjoyment)
Taiko Extreme (Wow.  Beats my turntable.  That's saying something.)

Sure, they all play recognizable music, and I enjoyed the music.  But at each level there was more enjoyment.

These were all heard playing into the same DAC and system.
My actual listening experience (as opposed to reading about) streamers is limited to 4 — Computer audio ( I lump in various Macs and PCs here), Bluesound Node/Vault 2, Bryston BDP3, and Lumin.
The Lumin was auditioned in my dealers showroom with music that I don’t like and with totally different equipment and a different room, so I really can’t judge it fairly (fwiw, I didn’t like it).  At any rate the Bluesound was preferable to Computers and the Bryston was a significant jump over Bluesound, all using the same DACs.    Next question:  as a value proposition, is it worth it?  The Computers didn’t cost me anything, as I repurposed machines that had been used for other purposes.  The Bluesound Node2 is at a sweet spot for performance and price, but my experience has also been that they crap out after a few years (I had bought 3 for the whole home thing about seven years ago, and two are in Landfills).
The Bryston cost 7 times the Bluesound.
  The point being is that only you can decide what constitutes being “worth it”.  If you are a one per center , not worried about the devastating effects of 2020 on the world economy and your financial stability, then dispose of your income as you see fit in the never ending search for ultimate sound quality.  My intuition is that people who need to ask the question “Is it worth spending big bucks for a streamer?” are not the ones with an unlimited supply of shekels.
I tell newbies start with a computer.  Every one has an old, unloved desktop or laptop laying around .  Add a program such as Audirvana Plus that enhances SQ and turns off all the other unwanted stuff.
Keep in mind that streamers are just Computers that have been optimized for Audio.  You may never need to upgrade, because you can get excellent SQ.  If that upgrade urge hits, I personally would hold the budget to about 1K.  If in your opinion it was a worthwhile upgrade, and not just a lateral move, then go crazy going forward if that is what floats your boat
I've listened to at least a dozen streamers including a raspberry pi and I could never tell a difference in SQ.

That explains a lot.

Really? Explains what exactly,  no difference between the raspberry pi or the Bel Canto or Aurrender or Innous etc.. ?