Wilson Sophia III vs Sasha

Currently own Sophia IIIs and I've been contemplating going to Sasha's. Has anyone compared them in the same system? Your thoughts/opinions are greatly appreciated.
If you can step up here, I think you will regret. The Sasha's give you more of everything. Wilson has a lineup here for a reason.

Now they all sound great. And better ancillary's with sophia 3's vs current gear with Sasha's is another route. The Sasha's will be a little less forgiving of other system weaknesses. Is your system page up to date? Some bass traps in the corners maybe, do you have better power cords?, what about a better transport? Cables...etc Those Sophia's are good, they'll let you hear it all...

I have heard the Sophia 3 and Sasha's numerous times at my dealer....same set up.
3 different people, 3 different answers...I think it's time to visit a dealer, regardless how far they are.
The Sasha's are harder to drive than the 3s so you might need a different amp for them. Also need large room for best results.

Perhaps a new CD Player would make a bigger difference and more of an improvement in your system then the Sasha's.

It is never fair to totally blame speakers for not providing the sound you are looking for.


3 different opinions and that's what makes this "hobby" fun. I have listened to Sasha's but in a very expensive system. I asked the question to hear different perspectives, with the realization that I need to make the decision.

Psjulian and Jfrech,

I went from 2s to 3s and I think it was worth it, but now I'm questioning if the Sasha's are 15K better. Why 15K, because I can sell my Sophia 3s for 10K and still would need an additional 15K. Lots to think about.