If you can step up here, I think you will regret. The Sasha's give you more of everything. Wilson has a lineup here for a reason.
Now they all sound great. And better ancillary's with sophia 3's vs current gear with Sasha's is another route. The Sasha's will be a little less forgiving of other system weaknesses. Is your system page up to date? Some bass traps in the corners maybe, do you have better power cords?, what about a better transport? Cables...etc Those Sophia's are good, they'll let you hear it all...
I have heard the Sophia 3 and Sasha's numerous times at my dealer....same set up.
Now they all sound great. And better ancillary's with sophia 3's vs current gear with Sasha's is another route. The Sasha's will be a little less forgiving of other system weaknesses. Is your system page up to date? Some bass traps in the corners maybe, do you have better power cords?, what about a better transport? Cables...etc Those Sophia's are good, they'll let you hear it all...
I have heard the Sophia 3 and Sasha's numerous times at my dealer....same set up.