Wilson Sophia III vs Sasha

Currently own Sophia IIIs and I've been contemplating going to Sasha's. Has anyone compared them in the same system? Your thoughts/opinions are greatly appreciated.
3 different people, 3 different answers...I think it's time to visit a dealer, regardless how far they are.
The Sasha's are harder to drive than the 3s so you might need a different amp for them. Also need large room for best results.

Perhaps a new CD Player would make a bigger difference and more of an improvement in your system then the Sasha's.

It is never fair to totally blame speakers for not providing the sound you are looking for.


3 different opinions and that's what makes this "hobby" fun. I have listened to Sasha's but in a very expensive system. I asked the question to hear different perspectives, with the realization that I need to make the decision.

Psjulian and Jfrech,

I went from 2s to 3s and I think it was worth it, but now I'm questioning if the Sasha's are 15K better. Why 15K, because I can sell my Sophia 3s for 10K and still would need an additional 15K. Lots to think about.
There is no definite answer whether the Sasha is $15k better than the Sophia 3. I echo Branislav's advice.

A friend owns the Sasha. He told me prior to owning the Sasha he was at the dealer listening to the Sophia 3. He was about the pull the trigger when the dealer showed him the Sasha. Once he listened to the Sasha he knew he would be getting this one. He said although the Sasha was an overall better speaker, the Sophia-3 comes pretty close to the Sasha's performance. Whether it's $15k better, no comment.

So smitten with the Sasha, he got himself a second pair of Wilson for the living room just recently, the Maxx 3.