question for Luxman L-590AX owners

I own the subject amp, have had it for 3-4 years. I recently noticed a low hum or buzz coming from the amp itself (not the speakers), and would swear that it has been dead quiet up until now. You have to have your head right down beside it to hear it. I'd like to hear what other owners have to say. Are your amps completely quiet? Seems like I may have developed an issue. Thanks in advance, and Merry Christmas.
i don't own the luxman unit but have had this problem

hum can be caused by low line voltage, among other things, so it can come and go...
Any dimmer light switch installed recently? Low-level DC voltage sitting on your AC power line can causes the power transformer to hum or buzz.
This often happens to any amp's transformer when DC enters the line. Did you recently move a PC, or add a dimmer switch somewhere??
Yes, I’ve got the integrated and, yes, I’ve got the low hum. Not really that noticeable. I wondered if it was a characteristic of a Class A amp since I’ve never had one before. It runs very hot. 
Hey, guys, thanks to you all for taking the time to help. Your answers give me some food for thought. We have one dimmer in the house, on a light that's seldom used, I don't think that could be it. Two things come to mind, after reading your replies. Number one, we have a lot of Christmas lights and decorations up at the moments, all indoors, most of it on timers, and controlled electronically, etc. Not sure if they are causing any issues, but they'll be gone within the week, so maybe I'll see a change. The second change is my wireless router. It's the same one for a few years, but I recently made some alterations, at the advice of the phone tech. Almost everything was hard wired, and I was having service issues. He told me the hardwiring was actually causing interference with the signal, and advised me to unhook everything and let it operate wirelessly (less the TV that's 3 rooms away). This was counterintuitive to me, and I was skeptical, but everything was definitely improved after I unhooked the cabling. My first step is wait and see if there's an improvement after the Christmas lights go away.
wahoostewjr, I would like to say I'm positive I never had the hum before, but can't. It's that quiet. It sounds exactly like the low hum in my heater/thermostat combo down in my shop. Nearly unnoticeable, unless there's not a lick of noise anyplace, and you listen very closely. My amp also runs pretty warm. From comments here about other pieces of equipment, sounds like some other stuff runs a lot hotter.
Thanks again!