Wilson Sophia III vs Sasha

Currently own Sophia IIIs and I've been contemplating going to Sasha's. Has anyone compared them in the same system? Your thoughts/opinions are greatly appreciated.
IMO It's best for you to listen to sasha first, then decide if it's worth the $15K upgrade, you can tune the room later if you have found your setup.
When auditioning speakers for my new system, I found that the Sashas paired with an Audio Research 200 wpc integrated amp sounded great - up until about 80 on the volume control, when the ARC just didn't have the power reserves to handle recordings with substantial bass. So I think your concern about adequate power is legitimate if you plan to play them loud, and that taking your gear to the dealer to see how well it drives the Sashas is an excellent idea.

But although I went with Revel Salon 2s due to my particular room circumstances that required a more forgiving speaker, I will say that the Sashas are outstanding speakers and I think noticeably better than Sophias, especially in a larger room.
Re my initial suggestion to getting speaker first is none other than that from previous experiences, different speakers usually do require different treatments--optimally.

If modular units--still ok, you might just need to add, subtract, or simply move them around. However, if fixed/built into room--then not so easy, more headache should you later decide to switch speakers. Hence for me, whenever possible, always better to get a fixed on designated speaker first, then specifically treat room around it. As in your case : what Sasha requires might differ from that of Sophia's.

But at the end, either ways, whether it be room/speaker first--some corner bass traps, front wall, and sides' first reflection absorb/diffusers are basic essentials which will definitely reap benefits in almost any room.

Also, if you go modular--your ears, with some dealer's help (basic measurements) can do, no need Rives etc. Only if you plan on built-in ones incorporating some sort of room re-design, then those pros will come in handy, ime.
Well, I will be comparing Sophia IIIs to Sasha's, and both of them to Rockport Mira's next week. Soon my ears will answer my question? Thanks for everyone's input!
Short simple and great advice:

12-11-11: Onhwy61
Your system is well balanced as it is. The recommendations for acoustic treatments are excellent, by far the best sound improvement per dollar investment you can make. As far as changing speaker go, the real question isn't whether you would spend an incremental $15k, but whether you're prepared to spend an incremental $40k plus upgrading source, cables and amplification? If you just can't live without the Sashas and money is not a big concern, then go for it. If you have to save up for the purchase(s), then most likely Wilson will have introduced a new upgraded version or model and moved the performance bar even higher and pricier and would you be happy with the Sashas then?