DAC's Made in the USA

I am shopping for my very first dac and the sheer number of product available is bewildering.Unlike many members, I have never owned an outboard dac for a 2 channel system, my budget is extremely limited and my technical knowledge of the product is low.
Further I am committed to purchase a dac made in the USA, or at least a friendly democratic country. 
You can see by my equipment list that I have nothing of any great quality or renown and much of this inventory is likely to be sold to partially pay for the dac. 
I am 80 years old, wear hearing aids and I am pretty satisfied with the sounds I presently hear and really wonder if I can enhance the sound quality of my CD collection (Jazz, blues and classical). 
Would appreciate it if I can get some real help, i.e., people who have actually used their recommendation/not read about it.  Also please remember my spending limitation, more is impossible.
Many thanks 

New (not used)
Made in the USA 
Ideally less than $1500 
Headphone jack is not necessary
Two channel analog output 
Optical and digital coaxial input 

Accuphase E-202, 
Adcom GFA 555, 
McCormack TLC-1, 
Pioneer SA-9500II,
McIntosh MA-6100
Sony DVP S9000ES (DVD, CD, SACD),ADS 910,Klipsch Forte II
@lukaske Perhaps you posted to the wrong thread? Pass Labs doesn't make a dac...
Explore the Audio Mirror. I have no interest in any other DAC since purchasing mine one year ago. 
I am 84 and find this DAC so musical and easy on the ears.

Perhaps “blows away” is a bit of hyperbole, but this does not negate that in my experience, the Benchmark clearly outperformed the Schiit in detail, clarity and tonal quality.
While I am only in my 60’s, I fret over the same auditory limitations as you (hopefully I’ll make it to my 80’s).

I would recommend that you get an auditory test to see (objectively) what frequencies you can hear.
Buying equipment that can resolve to 0.0001% THD is irrelevant when you can only ‘hear’ a difference at 10% THD.

This opens up a range of (cheaper) options.