Where to go after Devore Fidelity Super 8's

Hello all current and former Devore Fidelity speaker owners.

I have been enjoying Devores for nearly 3 years and I am wondering where to turn for the Devore sound with more bass impact.

What I'd like to know....especially from those of you who have retired your Devore's in favor of another speaker....is, where did you turn?
I went from Devore Gibbon 8s to Audio Physic Virgo IIIs. Currently have Wilson Audio Sophia IIIs and plan on getting Wilson Audio Sasha's.
I have heard the devore super 8, nines, and own the silverbacks. At each step, the bass weight provides an improvement. I was originally on the fence about the nines vs. the silverbacks but I am glad that I went with the no regrets line of reasoning because that is exactly how it has worked out. Not knowing your musical preferences and other system components it may be difficult to give you good advice. If you like the devore sound it would be worth checking further up the line including the new O/96 (i haven't heard it yet) and I noticed on Devore's web-site that there is something new being unveiled in January.
one of the few speakers that listeners seem to love as much as Devore is Merlin.

Maybe set up an audition?

with the BAM bass extension they may suit your needs.