Need suggestions for balanced equipment to Combat noise/hum

Issue: Hum and Noise from long 20 ft RCA cables between preamp and amp. Current equipment is single ended preventing me from using balanced connections

Current system> Modwright LS100, Wells Audio Innamorata, Auralic Vega, etc

Temp solution is to relocate equipment rack and amp to a new (unpreferred) location in the room enabling me to use “short” 1.5m RCA between preamp and amp.

Long Term Solution: Move to a fully balanced system to lower hum/noise floor and allowing me to move equipment back to preferred location in the room.

Ask: Suggestions for truly balanced amp and preamp. Budget is 8K for both (preowned), split anyway you like 4/4 5/3 etc. I seem to lean towards a tube preamp and solid-state power amp and am wondering if I would be happy with a tube pre with class D mono blocks (think Bel Canto, Merrill, Benchmark). The tube pre should have low output impedance (transformer coupled?) able to drive 20 ft XLR cables. If there is a solid-state preamp that fits the bill, I am open to it. I did demo the JC2 in my system and although it sounded very good it was a bit thin sounding. (Note my tubes are NOS RCA’s).

The other loaded question is will I be happy with a Class D amp after living with the Wells.

Thanks for reading and any suggestions
@Audiotroy, cheater plug did not work. I ended up putting all the equipment in the rack and using shorter RCA, Apparently there were 3 issues occurring simultaneously. 60 hz hum, micro-phonic tube and hiss. I fixed 2 of the 3. I will use headphones today to troubleshoot some more.
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@Tvad, this is very interesting, however, the output of my Modwright is not truly balanced. They provide XLR connectors for convenience only. They jumper 2 wires internal to the preamp. Will this still work?

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I saw an Agon ad today for Elac dac/pre and amp New in boxes for $3500. True balanced and a match between amp and pre
Enjoy The Music gave the dac/pre an award
