Need suggestions for balanced equipment to Combat noise/hum

Issue: Hum and Noise from long 20 ft RCA cables between preamp and amp. Current equipment is single ended preventing me from using balanced connections

Current system> Modwright LS100, Wells Audio Innamorata, Auralic Vega, etc

Temp solution is to relocate equipment rack and amp to a new (unpreferred) location in the room enabling me to use “short” 1.5m RCA between preamp and amp.

Long Term Solution: Move to a fully balanced system to lower hum/noise floor and allowing me to move equipment back to preferred location in the room.

Ask: Suggestions for truly balanced amp and preamp. Budget is 8K for both (preowned), split anyway you like 4/4 5/3 etc. I seem to lean towards a tube preamp and solid-state power amp and am wondering if I would be happy with a tube pre with class D mono blocks (think Bel Canto, Merrill, Benchmark). The tube pre should have low output impedance (transformer coupled?) able to drive 20 ft XLR cables. If there is a solid-state preamp that fits the bill, I am open to it. I did demo the JC2 in my system and although it sounded very good it was a bit thin sounding. (Note my tubes are NOS RCA’s).

The other loaded question is will I be happy with a Class D amp after living with the Wells.

Thanks for reading and any suggestions
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I saw an Agon ad today for Elac dac/pre and amp New in boxes for $3500. True balanced and a match between amp and pre
Enjoy The Music gave the dac/pre an award

+1 cheater plug - easy and cheap to try, could well solve the problem

if you want balanced gear, ayre for solid state, audio research for tube gear

outstanding quality, support and of course, sound