Ceramic fuses

Gday, Im looking at purchasing some ceramic fuses for my Primaluna gear. 
The question I have, would  a gold plated or rhodium plated fuse be the way to go? If so, which would be the better choice? 
Any information or help, would be appreciated. 
Cheers Ricey

Merry Christmas, everyone
Nonoise I haven't laughed this hard in a while. You really are funny.
I will say though that when you resort to personal attacks on me that I must have backed you into a corner. I don't know George, first time I've talked to him was on this thread. I did mention in my first post here that "No amount of logic will persuade their thinking and than they turn to personal attacks if you keep presenting them with hard data." Well, it sure didn't take long for that to happen.
George, seems were side kicks now. LOL Are you laughing at Nonoise as hard as I am? This is just to funny! LMAO!
There are probably 5 people right now ordering audiophile fuses right this second. Most of them don't post online ....they are busy enjoying the improved sound.  
And now he thinks he's the messiah, able to predict live sales of snake oil fuses, and what owners think of them. You really must be gifted.
NA!!!! second thought your just here to self promote your wares, and mods that have no poof, just voodoo, snake oil and trust me's, Love and Joy, it works.  
ricey...You started a fuse thread and didn't know it would end this way? You must be new to these forums. Now you know. Next you might ask about power cords or the SR thingamajigs that you stick on your speakers and walls. Also ask for speaker recommendations. All of what I listed are safe subjects. Everybody agrees about them.
Gday Cal91, at one point, I was sitting back with a bag of popcorn..... 
Then, I started to think, this is out of control.. 
I considered unfollowing, or even shutting the thread down, not sure if I can do that anyway. 
Eventually, somebody might add to the thread, with some advice or thoughts, that doesn't also include an attack on somebody's character or level of intelligence. 
Come on Guys........ ??
Merry Christmas to everyone. 
Ps. Thanks for your input Cal91.
Cheers Ricey

Hey there, billywojo, you're nowhere, no how, qualified to back me into any corner. I actually enjoy jousting with fools, so you should feel honored. 

Your sponge like absorption of Georgie's screeds are a hoot to watch, but not as much fun as watching you backtrack and try to explain your way out of it. Also, your use of all those childish acronyms that even the kids don't use anymore betrays your lame attempts at saving face. Laugh away son.

All the best,