Got a new (to me) VPI Aries for Xmas... what’s the arm upgrade path?

I’ve been doing some reading and I’m not sure I can tell if people universally think any of the newer arms except the fat boy are better than the original JMW 10 arm that’s on my Aries. Anyone know what I could expect if I went to the 10.5 or the 3D? Are those arms actual worth the money upgrades? Cartridges are Decca Super Gold, Denon 103r and an AT ART 7 on the way.
I am not sure that you are going to better the arm that you have already, I am a big VPI fan as they do exactly what I want them to do, simplicity at its best so enjoy what you have and milk it for all it's worth and get some laps on that bad boy. Enjoy the music
Basically as I understand it. Not sure yet whether it’s a special order version because the side weights in the standard version may be too big to fit and bump into the VTA column.