Help teach an old dog new tricks

Hi folks, I'm a retired almost 70 former audiophile enthusiast who had gotten away from the hobby aspect of music and systems for 15 or so years and could use some system updating advice. 

Background:  My current system is part old, part somewhat old, and fully balanced via (XLR).  I have an Ayre CX-7e red book player, feeding a Pathos Logos integrated, pushing a nearly 30 year old pair of Kef 104.3 that I've owned since new.  I also have a turntable that I rarely use and will likely retire in the near future.  Being on SS and a small pension, my financial means is adequate but not anywhere near enough to fund most components I'd like to have in my system, so I need to spend my money wisely with a look at probably never substantially upgrading my system again after this go-round.  I've always loved the sound of a decent system driving Harbeth SL5+ (or similar) speakers but not sure I have the coin to make a move on speakers at this time, but would want to have a system that would work well with both the British Kefs and possible future Brit Harbeths. I also know that I've suffered some loss of hearing due to age.  At nearly 70, I'm always mindful of my hearing causing me to reach a point of diminishing returns with money spent vs actual ability to hear the difference sonicly.

Where I want to be:  To date, I have never streamed any music, ever.  I'd like to change that and make music streamed from Tidal, Qobuz, etc. my main source. I've convinced myself that beyond sending my Ayre CD player back to them for a quick 'tune up', my best investment would be a separate DAC (balanced please) and a streaming device that's not computer based.  Would like to control it from an I-pad or other hand held device. I want to stream mostly hi-rez music and would like the ability for DSD and MQA (at least for the first unfolding) to provide some future proofing.  

My listening:  I listen mostly to blues music of all types (from acoustic to blues rock) and quite a bit of jazz vocal standards, American songbook, folk, etc.  Female vocals done right are what engage me most of all.

So here's where I am:   I've very recently ordered a Denafrides 2541 DAC.  It'll be a week or so before I have it here. No ability to test one but the reviews have been strong for an affordable unit ($1,200.)  Knowing that I don't want to get involved with a traditional (Mac/Mini-Mac) computer based system because I have no patience for all the potential issues involved (did I tell you I'm nearly 70 and don't play that well with computers? lol).  So what stand alone device do you recommend as my primary streaming device?  My budget for such device is $1k to $1.5k.  Ease of use, reliability and non-fussiness is what I'm striving for.
I'm open to hearing whatever your suggestions might be, and then I'll sort through them. HELP! and Merry Christmas to all!
I created the user name when I lived in Maine, 25 miles from the New Brunswick, CN border.  Lived there on the shore of an undeveloped lake for 12+ years and loved it.  But as old man time marched on, I "aged out" of the snow, ice, sleet, and cold.  I moved to southwest Florida 5 years ago. Best decision I ever made at this stage (almost 70) of my life. 
@northwoods_maine ,
Now that is a change of scenery!
As for Bluesound customer service, I have found them to be very helpful. Though it sometimes takes a few days for them to catch up with emails.
All in all, the Node(original model) still works great. Those times that I needed to contact them were usually due to wireless network issues. So if you are wired directly, and are buying the current model, I don't foresee you having issues.
Plus, the price is right.
@northwoods_maine , Congratulations on retirement!  Grab yourself a bluesound node 2i for your streamer.  Enjoy your new dac, thats a good one!  Don’t send the Ayre CD player in for service if nothing is wrong with it.

Save the extra $1000 that you wanted to spend on a streamer and whatever $ you were going to spend on the Ayre.  You can use that $ later on if there is something else you want to change in your system or put it towards some harbeths.  Shoot, spend it going to a few live shows once things are back to normal.

You have a nice system by the way!  Pretty cool that 15 years later it’s still a good set-up.
Thanks for the suggestions.

@b_limo - Having no experience with streaming music or downloading Hi-Rez files other than listening to a coupe of systems, I am having an internal argument with myself in regards to keeping the Ayre CDP (and the 300 or so CDs I have) in my system for the future or just bite the bullet and make a compete switch to an all digital front end. On one hand, there’s no need of continuing to buy or play existing CDs when all that music is clearly available via streaming at at least comparable SQ. I think my reluctance to move away from CDs completely is probably just remnants of how hard I worked and saved to be able to purchase the Ayre CX-7e, along with the rest of my equipment. I haven’t gotten a cost estimate from Ayre yet on a simple tune up (not upgrades), but I thought that a bit of coin spent there would allow me to do a comparison to that vs. streaming in my system once I have a streaming device, plus, if I sell it I can advertise that it was just serviced by the factory.
And, yes, I live to listen to live music. Pre-covid, I was going to one of two somewhat local blues venues an average of twice a week, with the occasional foray into rock or country concerts.

Node2i - still very reluctant to buy due to perceived poor service after the sale. This is from the poster right before you, " As for Bluesound customer service, I have found them to be very helpful. Though it sometimes takes a few days for them to catch up with emails." Any company who "takes a few days" to respond to customer service emails shouldn’t still be in business in my opinion. Customer service was under my purview for about 7 years at a Fortune 1000 company I spent most of my career with, and if it took us "a few days" to respond to customer calls or emails I’d have been fired - and deservedly so. In today’s global business model, there’s no room for piss poor customer service.