I admire Miles Davis, i admire Stravinsky; but i loved Chet Baker and Scriabin...You?

What we listen to we cannot trace always a border between cold or cool admiration and heart wrenching love at first sight....

I admire Bach without limit but i love also him dearly....Here admiration and love are one....

The first time li listen to Chet Baker i was not even sure if it was a great trumpetist, but i love him without knowing why....

More i listen to Miles Davis more i admire him but i still wait for love to come....I like it a lot but it is not love and i know the first time i listen to him why he is a great trumpetist, unlike Chet, his mastering of the instrument was evident.... For Chet i listen not the trumpet but the voice of his instrument, i even forgot he was playing the trumpet and the question if he was great was secondary....Miles was great without any doubts.... But i am in love with Chet because he touch my heart.....

Sometimes the frontier between these 2 are less clear, i admire Brahms but i like him more than i love him.... Bruckner i admire him like a new Bach and i love him like our old grandpa with a feeling that will never end....

I admire Monteverdi at the level of my admiration for Bach, but i like him only , it is not this passionnate love that changes my heart and life like with those i love...

I love Bill Evans dearly but i admire Keith Jarrett greatly but without any passion....

I admire and love Vivaldi at the same times.....

I admire Telemann, Haendel, Haydn more than i love them..... I am in love with Purcell tough and Josquin Desprez.....

I admire Hildegard the Bingen and i love her without words.... I am in love with the organ composer Pachelbel but i only admire Palestrina....

I admire Arvo Part very much, but am i in love? No....Excep perhaps for one or 2 of his work: Alina for example....I admire and love Gorecki symphony of tears but not much the rest....Only respect for the rest of his works....

I admire Arrau, Horowitz, many pianists but am i in love? No, but i am in total love with Ervin Nyiregyházi , Ivan Moravec, or Sofronitsky....

I admire the composer Sorabji almost like Bach but dont feel any love at all....Deep fascination and admiration for a genius  that never speak from the heart to the heart, only from his brain to my brain.... But what a genius ! 

I admire many, many, female singers, but i am in love with only a few, i love Billie Holiday, Marianne Anderson for example....

I will not go on with my list any longer...

But what speak to our heart and what speak to our brain is not the same and sometimes some music speak for us to the 2 part of ourselves...

But one thing must me clear, i dont want to live without the great musicians whom i only admire. I like them like interesting friends, even if i am not changed by love at first sight with them, swimming in the sea of adoration....

What are those you admire but only like ? What are those you clearly are in love with?

When the brain speak first and always, it is admiration and friendship not love.... In love there is a mystery in with we participate and which transform our life....

Those who we admire gives us pleasure.... Those who we love gives us not only that but an ultimate meaning that go to your heart.....

Listening music is learning to listen into the many levels in us where music can reach and transform us.... Each music or musician has this potential to change us at a level or at another one, or at all levels simultaneously....But for sure it is different for each of us......

I apologize if my OP makes no sense for some.... I hope my question will make sense for some....


I’m old, it is late and I make a lot of mistakes but i’ll try.

The two composers I love with all heart are Bach and Brahms.

The ones I like very much are Haydn,Mozart, Schubert,Vaughn Williams,Sibelius,Rameau,Part,Puccini, , Janacek., Barber,Elgar,Grieg,Schumann, Dvorak and about 20 others.

I worship Jussi Bjoring . I heard him sing a lovely LvB lider on Armed Forces Radio , the first classical music I ever heard . It was bad day, a very bad day and it was like God had turned on a light in a dark room

to illuminate the world with light and pure beauty , I doubt if I ever would
have come to Classical otherwise , perish the thought !

Perhaps the most important is what I call my "soul cleaners’
Josquin Desprez, Tallis. Byrd., Purcell, Monteverdi, Carlo Gesualdo and handful of other early music  religious composers .

My hero’s in Jazz are Sonny Stitt and Mingus . A Sonny a day puts troubles away.
Also listen to folk music ,mostly Celtic because there is a lot more music
there than one might think and many great composers didn’t use it for no reason.
Cheers !

@schubert      Thanks Len that was a very illuminating post and it just lets us know what we have missed. 
What I missed were , R. Strauss, Brahms, Scriabin, Byrd, Rameau and a whole bunch of others.
@maghister  This is a very interesting thread and thanks for instigating it.

Seasons Greetings to all of you.
Every thing you say is interesting Jim , always a treat !

What I did not say at 2AM is I still try to make room for the music I grew up on , American Big-Band which was THE American music .There are hundreds of people I love there , but one, to me, stands out .Arty Shaw , the great clarinet player and leader of a band that had more
discipline than the Royal Marines .If there is a better instumentalist I have not heard them .
Scotland forever !
Thanks Jim and schubert for interesting posts and kind words...

Our heart lie oscillating and beating between what we love dearly and what we like...

This difference reveal very much what we are....We cannot live without those we love, but life will be hard without all this music we like very much....

For example naming these composers "souls cleaners" :

Perhaps the most important is what I call my "soul cleaners’
Josquin Desprez, Tallis. Byrd., Purcell, Monteverdi, Carlo Gesualdo and handful of other early music religious composers .
That tell something which pertain to those composers unacknowledged by some of us...For example the inclusion of Gesulado after Monteverdi in this list is understandable, but very surprizing for me after Despez, Tallis, Byrd and Purcell...

Then this observation means for me that i must listen these 2 composers in another way and not separating them from the first four....What there is in Monteverdi and Gesualdo with their very expressionist powerful moving "modern" use of voices that can clean the soul, compared to the equilibrium of all voices whe discover in the first four ? For me it is their common link at play: choral music whatsoever....

Choral music clean my soul also ....But there is more .... Even Gesualdo, with his tortured expressionism that is almost contemporary, calm my soul and clean it...In a sense Gesualdo is more contemporary than the Gurrelieder of Schoenberg, because the music is more direct and less in the "romantic gesture pose" like Schoenberg... Then YES Gesualdo clean my soul in a way Schoenberg does not....Than all these choral composers has something in common that is not in Schoenberg.... They create spontaneously without any "pose" directly from the "soul"....Schoenberg is beautiful indeed but not more....

Your posts made me think, thanks and Happy New Year to the 2 of you....
My early music composers are in no particular order.
They are so compelling because the Church was the center of life then
and now is an after-thought , if that .
I sat in on a Philosophy class in Paris where the Prof was THE foremost
academic in France in that subject .She said no human will ever be like the early musicians because our brains and souls will never be able to focus as theirs did because of TV etc.

In general I think she was kinda-sorta correct but we do have Arvo Part.