Please help with Ohm MWT sound/system issues

I’ve  been researching the Ohm MicroWalsh Tall SE and the reviews and posts are all glowing. I’d been looking for used pair to fit my budget for quite some time (my assumption is that they don’t often come up for sale because their owners are so pleased).  Recently I was lucky enough to find a local used pair  in beautiful Cherry finish. The owner said he purchased them 3-4 years ago but never (he said literally never) used them due to a sudden change in his living situation at the same time he received these speakers from Ohm (so they’ve never been broken in). I have been reading everything I can find about these speakers and was expecting a revelation. However I feel like something is missing and I’m hoping you can help determine whether what I’m hearing is normal for the MWT, or an issue with system matching, or speaker placement/listening environment, the speakers needing braking in, or a problem with the speakers themselves.

The issues I’m having are very recessed vocals (sounds like way back of the hall and from what I’ve read may be typical of the Ohm Walsh sound? and is therefore less engaging), a lack of “meat on the bones“ sound as some have described it, and limited  bass both mid and low as well as bass dynamics (very soft percussion - both in sound volume, attack of drums and cymbals and lack of body on instruments such as acoustic guitar). I listen to a variety of music but mostly I like singer-songwriter, folk rock, alternative and acoustic versions when possible (Van Morrison, David Gray, the Lumineers, Norah Jones, Diana Krall, Leif Vollebekk, etc).

My system consists of a Conrad Johnson PV-10BL preamp and B&K ST-2140 amplifier (185 wpc @ 4 ohms). The speakers I’ve currently been using are Magnepan MMG-W wall mounted speakers (6 ohms, 88 db, 100hz-16khz and NOT to be confused with the floor standing MMG) and a pair of Pinnacle SubSonic subwoofers on the back wall flanking the sofa. The listening “area” is about 11 x 13 but is basically open on both ends for an additional 10 ft on one side and 18 on the other. The front speaker wall is defined by a central fireplace chase and on the sides of the fireplace a recessed cabinet (on bottom)/open bookshelf (on top). The listening position, about 9 ft from the speakers,  is on a sofa which is positioned against the back wall which is about 11 ft back. Speaker spacing can be from about 7 to 9 feet apart.

In the past, when I had more space, I used a pair of Spica TC-50’s (my wife hates their looks)with a Fisher 400 tube receiver from 1963, probably the most musical system I’ve ever owned (I regret selling the receiver with original tubes, and interestingly was set up in the corner of a room), but was lacking in bass for sure and was prior to my owning subwoofers. However the midrange (imaging, presence and low level detail) was magic. One of the most impressive systems I’ve personally heard in my limited experience (and was years ago) was a pair of Vandersteen 2e speakers, Audible Illusions preamp, and mono block amps (I don’t remember the make) at an audio store in Verona, NJ. Bob Dylan sounded like he was in the room singing Man in the Long Black Coat. Same for the combo playing Jazz at the Pawnshop. I was hoping and expecting the Ohms to have some of the same room filling magic and hope you might have some suggestions for me in order to get some of it back in my listening experience. Thanks in advance for reading and responding.

Can you confirm the tweeter orientation? Typical configuration is angled in 45 degrees with logos facing forward. But other custom configurations including facing upward are possible.  
If so angling out for more direct teeeter exposure at your listening location may help add presence and bring things forward somewhat.
Looks like your listening area is to large you probably need at least the 2000's. One thing you might try for a little more bass is put them close to the front wall and if you're not timid remove the speaker binding post cup and see if there's a switch set to the middle position if so move to the plus side. 
Hard to believe the original owner never used them but, suppose its possible. I ordered new cans from Ohm the 4.3000 series to replace my 4XOs a year ago. Dead, dull, dark murky upon first listen, and it never changed. I kept waiting an waiting for them to show me something, anything to let me at least know they were breaking in. Nada.

Then I noticed the right tweeter went out and I requested my funds back which Ohm did. Just feel Ohm needs a longer factory break-in period perhaps, they seem to take forever to open up if at all. A real shame.

I did get my 4XO surrounds replaced and still have them. 

PS: Keep putting the hours on them, see it they begin to open up ... good luck.
I believe djones51 has an appropriate recommendation. Looking at Ohm's website, you could go with either the WT-2000 or the Wt-3000. Position the speakers with tweeters angled inward. If you can, try to move the couch away from the back wall a bit.