Room Treatment, Panel Sound Diffusers

So I am setting up a third sound system in a spare bedroom.  I want to really get the walls and perhaps ceiling treated for optimal sound.  The bed will be taken out.  I will put in high quality duplexes like the ones sold by Cullen Cables.  However, there are a bunch of different sound diffuser panels with many being quite expensive.  I am going to do the install myself so nothing too complicated.  Looking for advice on the type of wall treatment that works but won't break the bank.

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+1 millercarbon.
However, if you don't want to DIY, I used a product called Primacoustic.
They were purchased from Sweetwater Sound. Treated all four walls plus the ceiling in a dedicated room.
Placed panels at all first reflection points, plus others at random.
Used system setup guidelines from Jim Smith's book Get Better Sound.
Improved the sound more than anything else.
Very happy with the results.
The room and the setup will give you half of the sound you will hear.

“Looking for advice on the type of wall treatment that works but won’t break the bank.”

Call GIK Acoustics, their acoustic panels are quite inexpensive once you consider the free professional advise and finish. If you want panels that looks like they were made in your garage then go with Owens Corning :-)

I did my entire room - 15’D x 30’W for $1500 / 20 acoustic panels...that’s $75 per panel.
Many thanks for the replies!  I did get one message questioning why I just didn't do a Google search for acoustic panels.....
For $100 per 4 x 2 ft panel I’d easily go with GIK as it will include a wooden frame and diffusor which is really advantageous compared to straight Owens Corning absorption. You could never make this for $20 per panel, they will be perfect in presentation and identical, and look nice with options to tailor to your aesthetic.