Flat speaker sound/preamp the culprit?/external EQ needed?

Hi, I have a Rogue Audio tube amp, which I love, a U-Turn turntable and an NAD phono preamp. Here's my issue: on many recordings the bass can really drown out the rest of the record. In general things sound muddy. When I plug my iPhone directly into the amp, I dont have this problem. So I think the premp is the culprit. (It has no EQ controls.) Can someone recommend a reasonably priced solution to this? An external EQ? Something else? (Someone recommended a Schiit Loki.) Many thanks in advance!
Check your tracking weight. My guess is that the UTurn is picking up acoustic and situational feedback as others have stated. Try putting it on a paving slab. You could also add $30 Nobsound springs under the paving slab.
thanks for the comments all. i plugged the preamp into the aux input instead of phono and that has not made a difference. in response to one question, the only volume control is on the amp, not the preamp. 
if the problem is the low-cost preamp, does anyone have recommendations for a diff one? 
as for speaker placement, if that was the issue, wouldnt i hear it when i play the iphone too?
@ineedhelpwithcables From the link you posted I would consider a more expensive phono section, perhaps one with tubes.

This does not sound like a feedback issue to me.
@ineedhelpwithcables  You're not answering our questions, and without that basic information we can't help.

We need a precise description of your system, with make and model of each component, and how you're hooking it all up.
Do you have the MC/MM switch set correctly? plugged into the correct MC/MM connection? A high output MC would go into MM side (I think).