“Marks on the underside”

I sold a piece of equipment on eBay and described it as having only slight almost invisible blemishes.
The buyer requested to return it to me because of “marks on the underside.”
I granted the return without delay.
Now I’m having second thoughts.  My question is, do marks on the underside which obviously are not visible when in normal use, count as a valid reason for return?

I would never complain about marks on the underside.  That's a BS move by the seller.   The seller should be embarrassed for even bringing it up, let alone requesting a return.
"Perspicacity"?     That buyer seems much more shrewlike, than shrewd!                                                                               ".....not worth the hassle."    +1
Picky picky picky.    Since when is a buyer a seller? 
Sounds like the buyer changed his mind and grasped at straws.
Who is to say the inconsequential marks weren't created during unboxing?
Sympathies to you, rv.

Ebay has many turkeys you got one.I would never deal with anything on ebay.
If you disclosed it and said "slight discount for minor scratches on the bottom". I think that would have covered it.
Along with no returns unless DOA. Put on tamper proof tape... I’ve dealt with few sleeeeez balls..

If it’s packed right, and tested before shipping.. VERY few DOAs, Like NONE... in 45 years... I did have a Schitt Freya +,  bad out of the box though... Super heated... WEIRD... It just wasn’t checked with the valves they sent... BIG bo bo. Always check. Even the cheapo PC, YUP, check it, or expect it.... What I use to tell the apprentices. LOL
