As tubes age, they lose transconductance. As they lose transconductance if the grid bias voltage is fixed (not varying with respect to cathode voltage), you gradually run out of oomph (for want of a better term). The amplifier may begin to sound a bit limp. But this happens so slowly that the user is often only dimly aware that the sonics are not quite as wonderful as they once were, with fresh tubes. And eventually, one buys new power tubes. In this way, I once got 10 years out of a set of power tubes in a Futterman OTL.
However, as the owner of an amplifier with adjustable bias and a built-in method for measuring and correcting bias current when it inevitably goes off, by adjusting grid voltage, I have to say it is a revelation to hear the amplifier restored to normal bias current after a periodic bias adjustment. By "periodic" I mean once a year or so. If you can adjust bias safely and know what you are doing it for, I highly recommend monitoring it and keeping it up to snuff. Also, owners of amps with some sort of autobias circuit need not be concerned.
I have a Hickok 533. I use it only to test for transconductance of small signal triodes. I do not use it to evaluate power tubes because it does not have the capacity to subject such tubes to plate voltage and plate current parameters where such tubes need to operate.
However, as the owner of an amplifier with adjustable bias and a built-in method for measuring and correcting bias current when it inevitably goes off, by adjusting grid voltage, I have to say it is a revelation to hear the amplifier restored to normal bias current after a periodic bias adjustment. By "periodic" I mean once a year or so. If you can adjust bias safely and know what you are doing it for, I highly recommend monitoring it and keeping it up to snuff. Also, owners of amps with some sort of autobias circuit need not be concerned.
I have a Hickok 533. I use it only to test for transconductance of small signal triodes. I do not use it to evaluate power tubes because it does not have the capacity to subject such tubes to plate voltage and plate current parameters where such tubes need to operate.