Be careful with that assumption.It is a conversation between friends and when we judge someone or something that say more about ourself than about the people or the work judged indeed...
My thread is a way to express but also to know ourself...
This is the reason why i speak about loving someone or some works and liking someone or some works...
I never use the word "hating"....
All composers create from their heart and soul and brain and spirit and body... Our access to their world is never mind mediated by our own heart soul and brain body and spirit history...
Judging between friends exchanging our experiences is a way to learn about ourself first and last and about others impressions to confront ourself also... Not a way to condemn some composers and some works....
Then your caution are appropriate but refusing our own judgement is refusing to know our own limitations or our own intuitions because they operate a choice that eliminate some and not some others...These choices are inevitable...
I never condemned Stravinsky, i only like him, i admire him greatly....I love Scriabin... But if i sense that the Stravinsky music come more from the brain, others in the contrary could say the opposite that the Stravinsky Sacred Spring for example come from the visceral body experience and Scriabin music comes from his brain disconnected from his body in an astral realm...All these contradictions define each one of us and are reconciled in the greater History of the soul....All judgements, even contrary to one another are right because they are all limited to some perspective that speak about our own origin in the journey...
No one is right...All are right... This is not a contradiction, this is all convergent but distinct travels...
Judging, evaluating has values like many stops on a road that is our personal and collective histories encounters....
Happy new Year....