2021 audio system wish list

So, what changes, if any, are you planning to your system for 2021? 
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CDC guidlines have been posted for quite a while but following them is another matter. South Dakota is very late to the game in following directives and everything, including masks, are voluntary.  It's one thing to post a link to a chart that South Dakota posts and quite another to see news reports on adherence. 

The same goes for Florida. DeSantis has defied all calls for mask wearing and social distancing and recently declared that of the needed, two dose regimen, only one will be given to each person, defeating it's efficacy, reducing it from 95% to less than 50%. Calling for more attention to those over 65 is just P.R. on his part. His voter base is in that age group.

I can't believe someone would post such easily provable false things as a way to whitewash matters. 

Operation WarpSpeed claimed we'd have 20 million vaccinated by now, and it's only around 2 million. All of the states shipments of vaccine were shorted at an average of 40%. This is malfeasance, pure and simple. And don't forget those who follow such malfeasance like the pharmacist in a Wisconsin hospital who intentionally left out 57 vials of vaccine so as to spoil and become ineffective. He was fired and is being investigated for destroying over 500 doses. I wonder what his motives were?

All the best,
Wow so this turned in to a COVID String.

That’s cool as I had it back in March was sick for a week. Back skating and base jumping. No hockey yet and have both my Ducati race motors on the bench so no runs to Austin and COTA. 
Hope all of you are well and recover from the COVID. I am praying and planning for a better 2021 no matter who is in the Dog House er White House.

Addition to house for music room ie. Tube system. Mc30s and mx 110z. Nordost Valhalla interconnect for mc500 amp to c2300 pre in main system in living room, also a koetsu cartridge for turntable. 

'Wow so this turned in to a COVID String.
That’s cool as I had it back in March was sick for a week. Back skating and base jumping. No hockey yet and have both my Ducati race motors on the bench so no runs to Austin and COTA. Hope all of you are well and recover from the COVID. I am praying and planning for a better 2021 no matter who is in the Dog House er White House.'

Err...or in 10 Downing Street.

Our beloved leader, sometimes known as Bojo the clown, has just decided that it's no longer necessary for the recipients of the first Pfizer jab to get their second within 3 weeks as recommended by the the makers.

In their desperate rush to try to get EVERYONE vaxxed it looks as if they're now getting their story confused.

Pfizer have a terrible record for telling the truth, and Bojo has a fair rep himself. Profits before everything.

All this for a virus that kills 2 in every 10,000. Meanwhile influenza, bronchitis, pneumonia seem to have gone AWOL.

The real shame is they're not even prioritising the ones they claim are most at risk. Those 82.4 (over 70 year olds).

As for all of the NHS court cases from families who have lost loved ones from untreated cancer, diabetes, blood pressure etc in these last 10 months, well I guess targeted vaccine profits might eventually go towards paying some of those unfortunate families off.

When our beloved leader was questioned whether he himself had vested financial interests in any vaccine company, he strategically declined to answer.

Is this a health issue, or is it really a political one?

Who knows?

Anyway it's always good to hear of folks making recoveries and being more mindful of their physical and mental health as a consequence.

As Trafalgar and Times Square lay deserted they were enjoying mass get togethers and parties in Wuhan last night.

They might just be celebrating a little more in a few days time.