McIntosh fuse changeout to make better sound

Have anyone change out the fuse in the back of a McIntosh integrate amp to make it sound better? Does this work or is this a myth? And if it does what kind of fuse? Thx
Clean, new common fuses in a pair of monoblock tube amps made a subtle improvement.   Synergistic Research Red, Black and Blue (haven't tried the Orange) fuses made/make a HUGE difference.  So much so, that the amp designer who detests tweaks, was awestruck and replaced the fuse holders with 5 amp breakers.  Now his amps and mine sound very, very similar.  The only tweak he approved of was removing the fuse itself.  The reason I didn't do the same is that his breakers are NOS and may not be effective in case of fault.  I also have an SR blue fuse on my moded Dynaco ST70 to great improvement.

Another friend and I have tried an SR blue fuse on our EAR 864 preamps (not in my main system).  Nope, sounds worse than the fuse that came with it.  The EAR 890 amp also sounds great (5% difference between it and my custom monoblocks) using the fuse that came with it as well.  

My conclusion is that upgraded fuse changes are not always sonically effective.  When they are effective, they can be a tremendous  improvement in sound despite their "unreasonable" cost.   

I use Stillpoints for most of my equipment (Dyanco, monoblock amps, CD Transport, Pre-amp, phono amp, Bryston BIT20 isolation transformer, Blu-ray player).  However, they don't make my COS DAC D2V or EAR 890 sound better (actually worse).  Why, I don't know for certain.  I do know that the DAC was designed with superior vibration isolation characteristics.  
Fuses will never effect the sound of any component unless they blow, as that's their job. Period.
That's never affect...

And many have noticed the difference they have made to their systems.
My lying ears tell me so.

And damn, it sounds good!
I don't care if upgraded fuses work, that my attitude, so when I tried one and got it put in the right direction, it did make a difference. Now those who claim they see God with the change I would not go that far, but there was a difference in my McIntosh amp, the one thing I can say for sure flipping even the stock fuse around which was a ceramic one not a glass one in my McIntosh Amp made a difference, one direction sounded much better than the other direction. I do think from what I heard that Audiophile fuses are way overpriced, I used an SR Orange, now I see they have Purple which always kills every fuse they made before, that old sales pitch is getting old. Took them 3 years to develop a fuse, really?