Move From AVR to Integrated?

I know this topic gets thrown around a lot, but I recently bought a pair of Ascend Acoustic Sierra 1s I love and a Hsu VTF2 MK5 subwoofer. Right now, I'm using a Denon AVR-X2600H to power them. 

I hear a lot of chatter that I'm not getting the most out of my speakers using the AVR. The drawback is my room is not treated, and I like having the bass management. 

It seems difficult to find an integrated with 100wpc+, ability to stream things like Tidal, that also has ability to at least EQ the low bass, and have the ability to connect to digital sources like a PS4/5. I do like the idea of a better built power source, and I will never go past 2.1 or 2.2. Most of what I do is music and TV. 

Any suggestions? Ideally I'd like to stay under 1200. 
Ahhh, if you are oinly doing 2.1, get the Anthem integrated (not receiver). Built in room correction, sub output, upgradable, or the Anthem pre version of this:
@erik_squires Far out of my price range I think. Thank you though. Kind of affirms I can't get those things unless going to premium models. 
Which is why I recommended the Parasound New200 integrated. But, was unaware you don’t have pre outs. Otherwise, the mix of that and your AVR might have worked, to a point.

just be careful of expecting too much from a separate amp while using an AVR as your pre. I didn’t find that out until I stopped using my AVR as my pre. Only then did I understand what I was missing in music listening. Night and day difference with a dedicated 2 channel preamp. That said, yes, I do have a separate streamer, DAC, etc. all connected to my 2 channel pre. I run 5 channel via my TV/AVR, so, that’s really all it does....all the HDMI via the TV/Roku, my center channel, and rear speakers are controlled with the AVR. Even my subs are connected via the high level connections and my main amps speaker connections. I don’t use LFE, as the subs are tuned for music independently. Yes, I lose some impact via 5.*1* channel LFE for TV and movies, but that isn’t as important as my subs for music.

I also worried about losing room correction, but don’t miss it at all. I would say room correction was more trying to correct the short comings of using the AVR as my 2 channel preamp, more than anything else. That concern went away after getting a dedicated pre. 2 channel music listening was transformed for the better, and room correction was no longer important, at all. Also some fairly inexpensive room treatments helped in a large way as well.

AVRs are for surround. What possible other reason could you have for using one?  If you need a bunch of cheap features crammed in a box you seem to be at the wrong forum.
@bkeske I am attracted to the integrated route. I am just trying to be realistic about having a shared living room/listening area and placement/treatment has its limitations. If it was a separate space I'd certainly go that route. I'm looking more into the Parasound. Looks like it has on board DAC but you use a separate one? Which streamer do you use? I don't know how everything fits together. Really, I have 1 TV with 1 or 2 video sources, a turntable,  2 speakers, and a sub. If all of it can connect, I'm certainly willing to simplify from needless AVR stuff.