Article: "Spin Me Round: Why Vinyl is Better Than Digital"

Article: "Spin Me Round: Why Vinyl is Better Than Digital"

I am sharing this for those with an interest. I no longer have vinyl, but I find the issues involved in the debates to be interesting. This piece raises interesting issues and relates them to philosophy, which I know is not everyone's bag. So, you've been warned. I think the philosophical ideas here are pretty well explained -- this is not a journal article. I'm not advocating these ideas, and am not staked in the issues -- so I won't be debating things here. But it's fodder for anyone with an interest, I think. So, discuss away!
Oy? Hilde45, you give yourself away

Is this really what it sure looks like?   You’re out of line.  
A very simple article about the perpetual war between analog/digital written in 2017 for the scientific american from a mathematician but for general public and easy to read with a conclusion that look like mine....

For those who are always in the thread.... 😊

note: no there is is no explanation of the Nyquist theorem there, only allusion, but she know what it is, then his conclusion cannot be attributed to his ignorance of simple maths... 😁

I prefer analog vinyl. 

This article does a disservice to that preference, as the writer knows little about how the technologies of each format works, and therefore most if not all of his (redundant, I may add) assertions are not grounded in any reality.

A bad article.
I prefer analog vinyl.
First anybody can have a personal experience...This woman mathematician is not an expert in music, she like music and gives only his opinion...It is for general reader in a non musical review about elementary fact in analog and digital tech.

Second It is not a UNIVERSAL fact that all people has the same opinion than you...

This article does a disservice to that preference, as the writer knows little about how the technologies of each format works, and therefore most if not all of his (redundant, I may add) assertions are not grounded in any reality.
Here you write without thinking that this article is only an opinion and vulgarisation for general public from someone who KNOWS enough mathematics to at least understand what is digital technology...

Then she explain why in PRINCIPLE by Fourier analysis there is not supposed to be a difference in the comparison between digital and analog, BUT it seems anyway that, perhaps she says, there is one difference even if the theory of signals said the contrary...She only wanted to know by herself... It is vulgarisation +anecdotal personal experience like yours or mine...Not more not less...

Then your affirmation that "she does a disservice to that preference" (analog vinyl) is wrong...She never pretended to be a pro reviewers in music or an expert in sound...But your affirmation that she knows " little about how the technologies of each format works" is if not plainly wrong at least misleading: all digital technology are based on a sophisticated mathematics and she knows about this mathematics because this level of maths is complex for most people but simple for a professional mathematician...

And you add to your distorted interpretation of this simple article :" his assertions are not grounded in any reality" which is saying nothing at all except a bad interpretation of this article and the writer knowledge... It is your opinion of this article that is grounded nowhere except in your dogmatic interpretation of the validity your own experience... She speak with modesty about his own experience in the same way that you speak about your own experience with less modesty tough... 😁

I must add that even if myself i use digital tech with success, i am not, in this war, in the same boat that those who attack vinyl afficionados because of ignorance of Nyquist theorem, neither i am in the boat of those who vouch only for vinyl like a universal evidence...

Then this simple experience of someone who know the digital signal theory and vulgarise some of these notions here, BUT conclude that she finally could not take any boat...This article is interesting... Except for dogmatics from the 2 boats that will speak of her as incompetent because she does not chose a boat...

I am with her because myself i know that not only the format but many other factors play together and for MOST of us it is IMPOSSIBLE to cut this knot with absolute certitude....Too much variable are implied by the comparison...Not the least one is the subjective link of each one of us with timbre perception...And our own rightful or wrongful embeddings of these 2 format...

I myself prefer MY digital embedded dac and my opinion is grounded in MY experience and in MY reality....Nobody can propose this experience of mine or yours to be a UNIVERSAL fact demonstrated once and for all by ..... (write a name).

I did not say that your have written a bad post....😊

Happy new Year....
It was a rather weak "paper" not based in any verified reality. There is nothing at all scientific about the paper nor really mathematical for that matter. She is not at all a subject matter expert.

note: no there is is no explanation of the Nyquist theorem there, only allusion, but she know what it is, then his conclusion cannot be attributed to his ignorance of simple maths... 😁