Blue Jeans Cable Sound Good???

When people say Blue Jeans cables sound good.... what are they comparing them to?

Because the pair I just got sound pretty crappy....  compared to AQ King Cobra XLR / Emotiva XLR

Not trying to troll... I'm serious. What are these being compared to? Sounds like a thick layer of distortion hanging over my speakers...
No, they sound mostly like crap for one reason or another when compared to lots of pricier name brands. Yeah, I’ve done that and I am now BJC-free. Same findings across several different systems. But they do sound better than Radio Shack. Mostly.
I just auditioned a pair of Blue Jeans Cable LC1 interconnects.  I did a AB comparison with other interconnects such as Transparent Music Wave and for kicks a pair of old Monster interconnects  My impression was that the BJC represents a good bang for the buck.  The BJC is well constructed. however, I got fatigued after listening for five minutes.  The highs  and mid range were dominant over the bass.  

Then I switched over to the Transparent interconnects.  What I immediately noticed was a richer bass that was in perfect alignment with the treble and midrange. The sound stage opened up significantly.  No fatigue.

Then I switched over to the Monster interconnects.  The Monster interconnects out performed the BJC with greater dimension.  I was actually quite surprised  as I never was overly impressed with Monster.  They have since stopped making the analog  interconnects.

So are the BJC bad cables.  I would say that they are not bad.  They represent a great value.  They are great as a entry level interconnect.  The price is certainly good.  When you really want to step up your game and you have the resources to do so, it is well worth considering Transparent interconnects.  You don't have to buy their top end interconnects.  They have a entry level series that are competitively priced.

The bottom line is that it is a personal choice.  There are so many choices that it will make your head spin.  Your really need to be able to test  the interconnects that you are considering in your own environment through loaner programs.  Then make your personal decision based on your financial abilities and sound preference.  If you like it then go for it.