They might be "good for the money", but only if they use solid-core conductors. Their HDMI cables are not marketed or described anywhere as having "solid core" conductors, which leads me to believe they are stranded. Maybe you can reach out to Kimber and ask them if you are really interested (though at the price point I suspect they are stranded). The HD29 uses the largest 24awg conductors which are good if they are solid-core, but does not have the Ethernet return channel (no ARC audio).
You might be better off getting a used Wire World Starlight 5-2 or 6 series (do not get the newer DLNA Helix designs). If you're looking for a good cable on a budget, the cryo-treated Neotech NEHH-4200 available from Audio Sensibility in Canada for about $100 USD on a 2 meter is the one to get.
If you want the best HDMI cable (within reason), then go for the Nordost Heimdall 2.
Always get 2 meter (never 1 meter).
You might be better off getting a used Wire World Starlight 5-2 or 6 series (do not get the newer DLNA Helix designs). If you're looking for a good cable on a budget, the cryo-treated Neotech NEHH-4200 available from Audio Sensibility in Canada for about $100 USD on a 2 meter is the one to get.
If you want the best HDMI cable (within reason), then go for the Nordost Heimdall 2.
Always get 2 meter (never 1 meter).