Tweeters are silent on my Wilson audio Sofia 2

Hello everybody, I’ve had the Wilson Audio Sofia 2 for over 10 years , always had a feeling that there were lacking the crisp clear highs I’ve enjoyed from the previous Sofia 1 .
I changed locations , amps , speaker cables , processor to no avail - still very muffy dull sound lacking treble/highs in all types of music , in both stereo and multi channel .
I already changed the resistors - no change in sound .
I hooked up to the same set up other speakers from another room (SVS Ultra , B&O) and also my center channel Wilson Audio Watch speaker and I am getting great sound so I know it is not my gear that causing the issue.
Gear used :
Speaker cables :Transparent reference MusicWave Super.
Amp : Emotiva XPA 2 -Gen 2 & Outlaw Audio 770
Processor: Marantz AV8805
CD : Marantz 6007
Subwoofer : Velodyne DD 15
Surround in wall speakers : SpeakerCraft AIM Cinema 5
Interconnects : Mogami XLR for main and sub and Transparent audio RCA to rest of the speakers .
Did anybody encounter or heard of this issue ? Any input is greatly appreciated.

Both of those amps are prone to extreme clipping.  I would guess you fried the tweeters.
jetset, if your tweeters did burn out 10 years ago as you suspect that’s how long they have not worked, I would doubt they would have any burnt smell at this point if they did then.
you see, jetset, 

that is the problem I always had with audiophiles. they often invite me over to judge their systems because of my 'good ears and technical knowledge' and I usually encounter systems that strike by poor reproduction quality. be it dramatically faulty anti-skating adjustments on turntables, feedback due to low grade decoupling of the platter, speaker placements that bring the worst imaginable reproduction of music in the room. so you are sitting at home with high-grade speakers that have blown tweeters for years before you noticed that. wow.
I’m trying to figure out how you guys managed to blow both tweeters? ASU isn’t that is indeed the problem. Wow. Anyway, OP you mentioned your speaker cables are 
“Transparent Audio Reference Musicwave Super”. No such cables exist. Are they Reference or Super? I found Supers to sound fairly dead with my Wilsons as I went through the cable craziness.