For the Schuman generators, i use a grid of 12...😁
Nobody had try what i recommended already... Use them with a thin small golden plate +herkimer diamond on top of the caps or the USB power connector...(Golden plate=shungite plate+copper tape on the external side)
That will increase their power, adding more meat to the bone-tone+envelope with the golden plate and adding more air(better decay) with the Herkimer diamond....
This increase the aura of the sound...
It seem i have too much ideas....People are afraid to expriment at low cost....Too risky to loose their face...They prefer to loose their money with costly product....It is a good thing nobody can hear my system :cost 100 peanuts butter jar....🤐🙃
Electronic design components, the worst one or the best one, are always subordinated for their optimal working to mechanical, electrical and acoustical constraints( i must ban the word embeddings people are afraid of this word)
Nobody can change this fundamental fact that will help them to reach an optimal working level for any system....
Happy New Year and God give you the best sound of your life because music is what we have the more similar to heaven....For the time being....
Nobody had try what i recommended already... Use them with a thin small golden plate +herkimer diamond on top of the caps or the USB power connector...(Golden plate=shungite plate+copper tape on the external side)
That will increase their power, adding more meat to the bone-tone+envelope with the golden plate and adding more air(better decay) with the Herkimer diamond....
This increase the aura of the sound...
It seem i have too much ideas....People are afraid to expriment at low cost....Too risky to loose their face...They prefer to loose their money with costly product....It is a good thing nobody can hear my system :cost 100 peanuts butter jar....🤐🙃
Electronic design components, the worst one or the best one, are always subordinated for their optimal working to mechanical, electrical and acoustical constraints( i must ban the word embeddings people are afraid of this word)
Nobody can change this fundamental fact that will help them to reach an optimal working level for any system....
Happy New Year and God give you the best sound of your life because music is what we have the more similar to heaven....For the time being....