A deeper more holographic soundstage.

I was wondering by what means you have created a deeper soundstage. I am satisfied with the width but I really feel it is a bit 2 dimensional. It doesn't go back far enough. I like more layers of sound that reach towards you from the blackness.
As I've already spent quite a bit on my system I am unable to buy much more expensive components.
Did you upgrade one component that made the difference? Placement of speakers? New footers or tweaks such as Stillpoints?
Two subs instead of one(I have one)? Different placement of subs? I am working with a very tight space so it is difficult to move things without them being in the center of the room.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I’ve heard a million speakers in my day...  to achieve what you’re looking for - I am trying something interesting...  

i placed a pair of Heil ESS air motion tweeters on top of my towers and they have revolutionized my listening experience.  They move sound fore and aft of the speaker and the soundstage is open, airy, invisible and yet focused at the same time.

I don’t have a billion dollar budget but I’ve chased the perfect audio system my whole life - and I’m incredibly close.

not only does the stage have depth / these tweets seem to have limitless treble in the best way.  It sounds like “nothing” as opposed to a speaker box.  It’s really incredible.

I’ve heard every speaker made and this setup is incredibly FUN to listen to and I’d put it up against 800 series diamonds or the like any day.

anyone that’s come over and listened smiles immediately and says the ride is unlike anything they’ve ever heard (ina good way).

tinker and experiment!
So if you have a grid of 12, and they are not synchronized with each other, then how do you know they are not all cancelling each other out?
they are all connected by copper very thin cable in ONE grid...Then they are synchronized in some way....my ears tell me that...

Of course, it is not like there are any components on that PCB to tune the magnetic coil to anywhere near 7.83Hz ... not that there would be any efficiency as an antenna even if there was.
I never presume that this cheap design will be of high quality and i never presume that this will produce the EXACT constant famous Schumann frequencies... But who will modify for experiment a costly very good product?

But at 10 bucks it does not take Einstein to try an experiment.... I tried and i modified them.... I am not an engineer but i have a measuring apparatus that is very powerful... My standard ordinary ears...

The audible effect produced by this cheap and bad engineering chinese piece was very effective... With my modifications...

Buyer beware. Your mileage may vary.

Then your caution for a peanuts cost product used for a simple experiment is superfluous...Buy 2 and try
them before crying wolf when you see a mouse...

Of course I am sure the little, near useless antenna on those units will totally dominate over the much much higher power 60Hz that surrounds you .....
I forgot to say yes this ridiculous piece dominate the noise level better with my modification tough ...Then your knowledge veil you some other unknown facts... But the history of science is full of some who know and prove that plane cannot fly ....

You are very more knowledgeable than me in audio... I never doubt that...But you lack humility...You are not knowleadgeable in all subjects neither me...

I know nothing in audio.... It is the reason WHY i created without preconception and without fear my own audio system with ONLY very low cost devices like these chinese junk or with my homemade creation... Guess what? my ears are so happy that i will never need to upgrade... It is by no means the best system... I am not a fool.... But for his price it is the best i ever listen to.... Then....

I will repeat this audio truth i myself experience completely:

Electronic design components, the worst one or the best one, are always subordinated for their optimal working to the 3 same mechanical, electrical and acoustical constraints...
( i must ban the word embeddings people are afraid of this word)

Nobody can change this fundamental fact that will help them to reach an optimal working level for any system.... And controls devices that work in this 3 dimensions DONT need to cost more than peanuts... It is my experience after my 2 years experiments...

« Reality dont wait for explanation-Groucho Marx

By the way nevermind our arguing i wish you the best....
The setups I have heard that do it well tend to have very low distortion throughout. The speakers have very wide and balanced sound dispersion and are located accordingly with proper geometry to the listening position and distance from walls to avoid early reflections, and also the drivers tend to emulate a point source at the listening position.

The best setups I have heard in this regard by a long shot are also in highly customized and treated rooms, not your typical rectangular room found in homes. Even then results will vary widely with various recordings.

I’ve found the new KEF ls50 Metas to do soundstage depth very well in my very average 12x12 room, noticeably better than any other small monitors I have had in there including similar original ls50s prior.

Also Ohm Walsh speakers set up well do a pretty good job in general in most rooms.

But the best I have heard by far and no contest was mbl 111 speakers set up in a highly customized showroom about halfway into the room with both tapered and heavily treated curtained walls extending 12 to 15 feet to the rear. There was a big deep holographic soundstage and you could identify players in an orchestral recording exactly throughout that space. It was uncanny and the best I have ever heard by a long shot....no contest. This was at now defunct United Home Audio in Annapolis Junction MD several years back. Exact same system heard soon after in a poorly treated and very lively room at a local audio show: Meh. The room and setup is key. Few of any probably have a room at home naturally suited to recreate what I heard with the mbls set up optimally in that dealer showroom.
Eish, just lost one long written epistel due to some Agon glich... 

Yet in short... and so true! 

"The room and setup is key. Few of any probably have a room at home naturally suited to recreate what I heard with the mbls set up optimally in that dealer showroom." 

End quote. 

Totally and completely my experience when moving some years back to a new place. 

'nough said as all be just lost to the bloody ether again! 😏 😖 
Michélle 🇿🇦 
time and phase, since 1977.......

gee, I wonder where depth information comes from ?