Name a few albums which helped determine your musical tastes

How about a short list of albums that shaped your listening from early on in your life?

Not just albums that became favorites (though they could be now). Let's call them historical turning points for you that shaped you as a listener, now.

  • Quadrophenia or Who's Next
  • Sgt Peppers Beatles
  • Floyd, Wish you were here
  • Jethro Tull, Thick as a Brick
  • Metheny, Offramp
  • Glenn Gould, Goldberg variations
  • Joni Mitchell, Court and Spark
One album of the best military marches ( 13 years old) hate them with contempt till this day..The album was given free with the purchase of a stereo furniture....I think to kill myself after that listening....
Johnny Hallyday 14 years of age like him for few months only...He save me of my only military album... We were very poor and i had not great purchase choices near my house...

Rolling Stone first album same age , dont hate it but dont like it either....
Beatles and Mamas and the papas like them better...But not enough to buy something else after...

Leo Ferré same age liked him and loved him instantly....( French anachist poet singing Baudelaire, Rimbaud and Verlaine absolute poetry in interpretation)...

Same year in love with Joan Baez....Bob Dylan also...

Bach concertos for violin in a musical class at 16 years old, fall in love for life...Vivaldi same story around the same time....Bach teach us all....

Frank Zappa at the same age, dont loved it, dont liked him either....He was introduced to me by my friend of 52 years old friendship now.... I was not able to understand his English poetry....Too bad....I like him today... 😊

Choral music, Desprez, Jannequin, Monteverdi Schutz etc were my heart companions at 16 years old...

Moondog the viking of the 50th street... The real creator of minimal music in America... A street musician who draft from musical school and recreate music for himself in the street.... A myth....At 24 years old with my new Tannoy speakers....I loved with nostalgia till today...I owned all his albums...

Choral music and baroque composers mainly after that...

35 years old, The impactful discovery of Bruckner.....Change my way to understand musical form after Bach initiation...

40 years old, the discovery of Scriabin and Sofronitsky and of the Russian piano school...Change my way to listening to colors and tones...

50 years old, the discovery of all Indian music, instrument and voice, and the impactful discovery of my first Persian/iranian master, one of the greatest musician i ever listen to with the pianist Nyiregyhasy, my first album : the celestial harmonies of Ostad Elahi...Change completely my way to understand the power of music for therapeutic of the body and soul... It is no more music like a pleasure in the body, it is music like a walk out of the body...Other discoveries with natural frequencies conforted my experience with this Persian genius master....That is also a sufi saint....

My discovery of jazz at 50 years old , which i was knowing before but falling in love is not liking someone... Chet Baker were my master initiator and Bill Evans...They dont play their instrument like others, they lost their ego at the profit of the hidden song in any melody...

55 years old the discovery of the greatest pianist i ever heard... Ervin Nyiregyházi with this piece of Liszt:
This Hungarian god live a life that is unbelievable and after absolute world fame at young age, quit concert after 34 years old and live in total anonymity, and regain world fame easily in his first concert after 40 years to save his 10th wife...I read 2 books about him....Listen to him and compare with anyone else...

55 years old the discovery of the greatest feminine voice ever because she can deliver emotion on par with any other female voice but contrary to all others can sing in ALL styles of music without fail...Opera from Monteverdi to Puccini, lieds, bach, Handael, negro spiritual, popular, even Jazz all that with the more powerful emotional force ever seen...His voice reproduce all that which is in the soul....

Marian Anderson.... And the most beautiful woman i ever see, soul,voice and body....

Today, around 10,000 albums in files perhaps a bit less....

I love Classical, Jazz and Indian and Persian music dearly....

I am in love mainly with choral voices, piano and trumpet.....
Laura Nyro - New York Tendaberry
John Martyn - Live At Leeds
Beatles - Sgt Pepper
Sibelius Sym 5 - Colin Davis
Nick Drake
Richard and Linda Thompson - Shoot Out The Lights
Eva Cassidy - Songbird