Help-Genesis Digital Lens

I have a Genesis Lens which I have misplaced my remote. I called Genesis and the replacement remote is a bit steep, $100. I am wondering if there is any way to power on the unit without the remote. Are there any alternatives to the factory remote?

I just want to turn my on and leave it on....
thanks for your kind responses, there was a file with the coded uploaded on the link that Kamil provided, You need a PC to read the file ( I use Mac) I will have to download the file when I get back to work on Monday, The download is for codes pertaining to a philips Pronto remote which costs even more than the Genesis! ($200) i will see if the codes can work with another cheaper programmable remote.

not being too versed in remotes, can one just point a Programmable one in front of a Genesis one to pick up the codes?
Most programmable remotes should have a "learn" function and you do exactly what you mentioned "...point a Programmable one in front of a Genesis one to pick up the codes"

The Pronto code you downloaded is used for Phillips touch screen remotes. The Pronto software which you will have to download from Phillips website and install on your PC will read the file and allow you to add it as a device to their programmable touchscreen remote. The best you can hope to get from this download is the actual "codes" which you may be able to load into a remote of your choice that allows the input of the "raw" codes. Good luck.
You have $7500 speakers, an $8400 amp, a $5000 dac and you can’t pop for a machined aluminum $100 remote that's worth every penny? Wow. Unbelievable.
I think that kevin is saying the owner is cheap. BTW, the metal remotes are very hard to find. Arnie Nudell wouldn't sell his when I needed one. The plastic versions are $142 with tax.