Does pin hole in woofer affect sound quality?

Hello. I own a pair of 2nd generation DCM Time Windows. I am the original owner of these incredible loud speakers. I am currently restoring my 1980's era Hi-Fi system, including the Time Windows.  After removing the grill cloth from the speakers, I noticed one of the woofers in one of the speakers has a pin hole in the diaphragm paper. How much will this affect the sound quality and response of this speaker? Should I consider replacing this woofer? Thanks!
NO NO NO Get rid of them NOW!!!!! and get some Wilson Audio WAMM
Master Chronosonic and be a REAL BALLER on Audiogon, glue you don't need no stupid GLUE!!!!
No. From years of experience and having owned literally hundreds of speakers; NO. A pinhole does NOTHING to the sound of a speaker. Carry on enjoying your speakers without ever worrying about it again!
I suppose it would be too simple a thing to switch them and make judgment.  We can't have sensible solutions in HiFi.  :(
No! You do not want to use anything that dries hard! The edges of the patch might form a stress riser, a place where the cone might fail. 
Take the woofer out and apply some masking tape behind the perforation.
Tamp some black GE silicone into the hole leaving a slight bulge. Clean around the hole leaving a 5 mm patch. Denatured alcohol works great to lean up silicone. Let dry for 24 hours then remove the tape. Good as new.