Looking for new (to me) Speakers for Leben CS300XS---Devore, Harbeth, or Reference 3A?

Hi, I am motivated to purchase one of these soon to use with the 15 watt Leben. I will be replacing my Zu's which are for sale here.

Does anyone have any suggestions for me?

DeVore Gibbon The Nines = $3.4k and a 81 mile round trip.

Harbeth C7ES-3 = $3.k and a 19 mile round trip. 

Reference 3A Episode BE = $2.7k and 36.5 mile round trip.

What would you do?


I’ve owned the 7ES3 and I doubt a 15 watt amp would be a good fit. The 3 grand is overpriced for that speaker.
$2500 or less would be more of a ballpark price for them in the standard cherry finish. BTW, you will also need stands with them!
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“What would you do?”

I would take my Leben CS300XS along and audition all three speakers on your list. I wouldn’t do it any other way unless you’re buying new set of speakers with in-home audition return policy.
@lalitk offers a very wise and doable suggestion.
I’m skeptical about the Harbeth driven by the 15 watt Leben however you have the fortunate opportunity to take your amplifier and listen for yourself.

No matter how well intentioned or thoughtful some of the responses you’ll receive here,   the ability to actually hear, the Leben with your list of speakers is the superior option.

I wouldn't let anyone bring their amp into my home and try it on my speakers before purchase. In fact, my system isn't an audition period for anyone. Learned that lesson long ago.