How is Wadia with fast dynamic music ?

I listen mainly to classic rock and contemporary blues. Any other suggestions in the $2000 used catagory ? I want, probably the same as everyone else, good extension, warm mids with body, deep base, smooth highs and PRAT.

Thank You
Krell is Hard sounding and the will just make most Heavy metal annoying if you wanna good example of fast and heavy, fatigue is always the first word that comes to my mind, Wadia is far more deep and smooth, very in your face dynamic however, but My experiance is with the older true 16 bit machines, all newer 24/96's seem to carry some digital glare with them and this could be the issue with newer wadia's for all I know. Get a Wadia if you want the best Algorythm out there with the digimaster system and just have the analog stage upgraded. Also there are a few Metronome Players which are tube that are very nice on this site for around 1000.00, don't get caught in the hype.
Here is a good thread, and it is very recent on Audiogon very similar players, with auditioning in one spot, I still go Wadia.
Thank you Matrix, I will look at the Metronome.
While I don't listen to 'heavy metal' I suppose most rock would be the same in this respect.
Can you tell me which of the older Wadia's are 16 bit . I have been reading quite a bit about the 16 bit versus upsampling debate .
The Wadia 23, and I believe the 21, probably the 850? From the mid 90's mostly I believe.