How is Wadia with fast dynamic music ?

I listen mainly to classic rock and contemporary blues. Any other suggestions in the $2000 used catagory ? I want, probably the same as everyone else, good extension, warm mids with body, deep base, smooth highs and PRAT.

Thank You
Here is a good thread, and it is very recent on Audiogon very similar players, with auditioning in one spot, I still go Wadia.
Thank you Matrix, I will look at the Metronome.
While I don't listen to 'heavy metal' I suppose most rock would be the same in this respect.
Can you tell me which of the older Wadia's are 16 bit . I have been reading quite a bit about the 16 bit versus upsampling debate .
The Wadia 23, and I believe the 21, probably the 850? From the mid 90's mostly I believe.
Saki70, Also to be honest a Great approch at this would be Pick up the Audio mirror new version 16 bit non-oversample model, it kills all your hi end dac's it is about 1000.00 new, get a sweet transport and you still have tubes, it is very highly reviewed on all the sites as well, Audiogon, Audioreview..

And I was just giving an example that if you can smooth out heavy metal just about anything will play with little to no fatigue, I listen to tons of Classic rock, bright recordings like Bowie, sabbath and things that need some finesse.