Well a cheap fix when you have a need for high SPL is to put your rig in smaller room. To add to that increase cubic inches and amp power. Rinse and repeat until you reach the SPL level you desire or your ears pop and or the cops kick in your front door.
Any speaker can fall victim to damage if you under power them and use a ham fist on the volume knob. If you blow up the midrange as a result of too much input then you know you haven't learned the difference between distortion and proper sound reproduction in which case you aren't ready to move on to more expensive equipment for your wallets sake.
In any event I wouldn't let fables keep you away from enjoying your music at the volume level you want.
Any speaker can fall victim to damage if you under power them and use a ham fist on the volume knob. If you blow up the midrange as a result of too much input then you know you haven't learned the difference between distortion and proper sound reproduction in which case you aren't ready to move on to more expensive equipment for your wallets sake.
In any event I wouldn't let fables keep you away from enjoying your music at the volume level you want.