How sensitive is the B&W Nautilus Midrange?

Hi there, I have a pair of B&W Nautilus 803S's in the house (For disclosure I am selling them). I love their sound especially when paired with the ASW-855 crossed over at 40HZ with a Levinson 332.

Anyway I really like these and would like to eventually wind up with another pair of 803's or 802's. My tech told me a story of his friend destroying the midrange on a pair of 800's and I have been scared to play them all that loud seeing as how it is ALOT of money to replace those mids.

When he did this it was playing a MP3 at extreme levels, my understanding is, MP3's play with no peaks and just straight full blown signal

What I am mostly wondering is will I have to worry about beating on a pair of 802's or 803's?
I havent played them to anywhere near excruciatingly loud levels, I want to but was nt sure of at what point they would give up.

Thanks I feel confident they can handle what I can throw at them, I dont play to levels of excessively loud but pretty loud while always being too scared of blowing up my speakers

If you want a speaker to play at ear splitting levels I would look a horn loaded speakers like JBL or something along those lines.
I had 802's and 3 mids failed....I didn't play them loud, and my amps are high powered and don't clip...especially at those levels. B&W replaced them without question..however, it was a pain in the behind...and I was always questioning the speakers.