Tube Preamp to go with Bryston SST2 amp and Magnepan 1.7i speakers

Hello, I'm looking for a good tube preamp to go with a Bryston SST2 amp and Magnepan 1.7i speakers.  My budget is $2000-3000.  I like to listen to a wide range of music, from Dire Straits to Blues to Jazz. I have my stereo in a medium sized room, and listen at moderate levels.

Thanks for your input!
With a Bryston amp and 1.7 Maggies I'm thinking about a good tube pre-amp with a good top end. 2 or 3 K is not much budget. I think I would try to demo some at home before I pulled the plug but the Quicksilver is a good starting place or perhaps a used Audio Research. 
Thanks for the suggestions so far everyone!

soix - the pre I'm using is a Schiit Saga.  

I'm looking for better soundstage and instrument clarity.
I'm looking for better soundstage and instrument clarity.
Look no further than a used Bryston BP26 or BP6.  I bought a BP6 for exactly those same characteristics you’re looking for, and obviously there should be further synergies with your amp.  Best of luck. 

If interested in a tube preamp check out Aric Audio. Has a preamp which he can modify to buyers wishes. It starts at $1650 I believe. there is a thread on it here. 
To follow up, I have his Special 6SN7 preamp. The latest version of the Special runs $3250. The one I aforementioned can be made to accommodate the 6SN7 tube as well I believe.