best wood for speaker cabinets ? oak,cherry, balti

I am getting ready to build the Audio Note Kit 3 speakers and have the plans to build them.I am a woodworker and have built quite a few cabinets.

I am curious to find out if there is a better wood to use for these cabinets. The original plans called for mdf but now they (AN) recommend baltic birch.

I am curious to know if solid cherry, oak or walnut might be better.

Anyone know?
A fairly new and non-traditional alternative is bamboo plywood. Not expensive, fairly dense, and a bit "greener".
Mattzack2, I just took a look at the #3 kit. The birch ply is a no brainer, imo. They look fun enough to build, maybe you can play with a couple of proto builds and see which you like in your system. Careful. It can be addicting. :-)

Thank you, Isochronism. My amateur status shows itself in the finishes. ;-)
@Photon46...good info man. Yeah, clamping the speaker stands with all the layers and glue was no easy task. :-) Luckily I have friends that helped out. It was completely worth it, as they look great!

I was thinking of using the same technique for compression/clamping that Magico uses. They have a steel bar that runs through the layers, and then I would screw that down for compression. We'll see how that turns out. :-D

@Ngjockey...that looks promising, but spendy.
