best wood for speaker cabinets ? oak,cherry, balti

I am getting ready to build the Audio Note Kit 3 speakers and have the plans to build them.I am a woodworker and have built quite a few cabinets.

I am curious to find out if there is a better wood to use for these cabinets. The original plans called for mdf but now they (AN) recommend baltic birch.

I am curious to know if solid cherry, oak or walnut might be better.

Anyone know?
Magico Audio Notes.

Take the best of both worlds and sounds like a winner,
doesn't it?

Or does it?

Is it Magico or Audio Note?

Or something totally different?

Only one way to know for sure.

Someone build it and listen and see!

My bet though is the cabinet is a big part of what makes
Audio Notes Audio Notes.

And Magico's Magicos.

Each in a totally different way.

Interesting dilemma!
Solid hardwoods will give you problems with dimensional stability, with wood expanding up to 1/8" per foot across the grain and negligibly with it. Raised panels on furniture are made with undersized floating panels for this reason.

People who successfully use solid hardwood for speakers tend to limit themselves to small speakers, floating baffles, and open baffles where pieces don't have joints with grains at 90 degrees to each other (if it all expands in the same direction it doesn't matter).
A fairly new and non-traditional alternative is bamboo plywood. Not expensive, fairly dense, and a bit "greener".