"The Hallograph contours the frequency, amplitude and time coefficients of the first reflections you hear..."
What does "contours the frequency" actually mean? Or contouring amplitude and time coefficients, for that matter. How do coefficients get contoured? Aren’t they just numbers?
Whatever it means, how does it contour the frequency when there are many many frequencies involved, as well as many many different room shapes and wall materials? How does it know what to do and to what extent?
"* Activated panels generate a musically complimentary reflective energy..."
What are "activated panels"? How are they activated and how long do they stay active? Is there a re-activation needed after a certain period? Where on the picture are those panels anyway?
These answers should be easy to obtain and verify as that would go with company’s goals...
"Our long-term goal is to continue to provide low cost, easy to use and scientifically verifiable performance enhancement products for the discriminating hobbyist."
Of course, if $1700 is low-cost is on each one of us to decide for her/himself.
About Us - Shakti Innovations (shakti-innovations.com) EDIT: To make it fair, the cost on Shakti website is only $1500 so we may need to take that into account when discussing "why so expensive".
Hallograph Soundfield Optimizer - Shakti Innovations (shakti-innovations.com)