What is the Silliest Accessory You Have Ever Seen.

I was flipping through the accessory pages at the Cable Company and came up with this https://www.thecableco.com/hallograph.html You have to be kidding me. Of all the dumb, idiotic, profoundly stupid things I have ever seen. The marketing is even better! Have you seen anything worse! It is up to us to uncover these things for what they are, SCAMS.

@mijostyn   You were asked if you have heard the Shakti's? I know that you have not. I will ask you a question, is it ok to post an opinion on the value and the SQ of any item that you have NOT heard and yet feel like denigrating? If so, then please do keep going with these posts...it will hopefully show all of us where you are coming from.
And to answer your question..yes, I did buy them- and I very much feel that they are a MAJOR part of my system. 
@mijostyn, obviously you can fool some of the people all of the time.

On the Shaktis, if you think the claims are silly, check out the review, https://6moons.com/audioreviews/shakti/hallograph.html  where the reviewer repeatedly quotes respected physicist Feynman, while not even realizing what Feynman was generally talking about (he was talking about people like the reviewer).

Of course, someone without a basic understanding of how sound waves behave could believe many things, once the seed is planted. However, if you understand how sound waves behave you know that many of the claims are over the top, though I expect with my measurement equipment, there is a slight chance I could detect their presence, though I highly doubt I could hear them in a blind test though perhaps, in the one instance in that review where put directly behind the listening chair, I would expect you could pick up reflections given how very close they air.

But then again, look at that listening space in the 6moons review. That's not the listening space of a professional reviewer. I would object to calling that listening space to be that of an audiophile, no matter the equipment. It would be hard to tell the difference between anything in that room.

From that 6moons article...

What do you mean when you talk about the time coefficient?
"This is also known as the time signature; how long a given material goes on ringing once it is activated by sound waves striking it. In the chambers behind each reflector, we 'treat' the time signature so it has a much shorter ring than the material a room's walls are made of. This treatment also affects the frequency response, which has a direct correlation with the time signature character. Amplitude is manipulated by the choice of wood, diffusion geometry of the design and additional treatment that will be explained in the patent."

Still no word about how these Hallographs know what material the walls are made of. And the meaning of word "coefficient" is at least somewhat confusing.
The Shun Mook record clamp.. Not the silliest in that some folks like clamping records. $5000.
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