In case anybody is still paying attention. The Miyajima Zero is here
I can’t say definitely why because I’ve never had a mono cartridge, so is it because it is mono or because it is just a good cartridge or ??? But there is something that sounds very “right” about playing my old mono jazz and classical records with it. The horns have a bite and an “in the room” presence that I don’t get from my ZYX. It sounds like music and that's about as good as it gets.
The Original Jazz Classics I have sound very good as well as old mono classical records I inherited years ago from my grandfather. I bought the Beatles "Mono Masters" and so far it sounds like crap.. very bright, but only played side 1 so maybe it gets better. Reissue of Coltrane's mono Atlantic recordings on the way.
so here goes my retirement fund !!
I can’t say definitely why because I’ve never had a mono cartridge, so is it because it is mono or because it is just a good cartridge or ??? But there is something that sounds very “right” about playing my old mono jazz and classical records with it. The horns have a bite and an “in the room” presence that I don’t get from my ZYX. It sounds like music and that's about as good as it gets.
The Original Jazz Classics I have sound very good as well as old mono classical records I inherited years ago from my grandfather. I bought the Beatles "Mono Masters" and so far it sounds like crap.. very bright, but only played side 1 so maybe it gets better. Reissue of Coltrane's mono Atlantic recordings on the way.
so here goes my retirement fund !!