ISO Pucks with Harbeth and Sklyan Stands

I have Harbeth SLH5 Plus Anniversary speakers with Skylan 4
post stands. Currently using the Q-Bricks that came with the stands.
Wondering if anyone has tried ISO Pucks between the SLH5
(or any Harbeth speaker) and Skylan stands. What differences in
sound, if any, did you notice.
There's lots of things like those pucks that will work to improve sound. Then there's things like springs that work a whole lot better. With springs you can go two ways: cheap and pretty good, or expensive and amazingly good. 

Cheap and pretty good are Nobsound, only $30 for a set of four. These replaced BDR Cones and Round Things that cost ten times as much, and the BDR was the best of all the cone/spike/stiff type footers. With Nobsound you will hear improved imaging, greater detail with less glare, blacker backgrounds and more depth. Bass will be greatly improved, and a lot less of that bass energy will go into the floor so less sound transmission to other rooms and especially less to your turntable. 

With Townshend you could put Pods between your stand and the speaker, or put the whole thing on Podiums. John Hannant at Townshend can help you figure out which way to go with that. With either of these you will hear the same improvements as Nobsound, only with greatly improved bass that is much tighter and more smooth and accurate, and a huge improvement in the tone and timbre of individual instruments. A guitar sounds so much more like a guitar, and not only that but the type of guitar, type of strings on the guitar, and if its a pick or fingers plucking the strings. Just takes everything springs do and ups the game with a whole lot more refinement. They do this by being really well engineered with just the right amount of damping in proportion to being freely suspended. 

Look at my system. I am big on vibration control. Have been for 30 years. Have tried a whole lot of stuff. These are the two best options, and I use both in my system. (Need to update pics, sorry! Townshend Pods are now under turntable and amp. Nobsound and other springs everywhere else.)

Townsend is beyond my budget.

Are you suggesting the Nobsound between the speakers and stands? 

@ericsch   Keep an open mind.  Certain posters on here have an approach that one might describe as one size (solution) fits all.  Speakers--Moab; amplifier--Raven; cables--Synergistic; and so on and so forth.  You get the idea.
Although there is some true eccentricity over on the Harbeth Users Group site, there are also a couple of very useful threads where owners report on all kinds of solutions for the speaker/stand interface.
Yes, I know what you mean. I haven't been on HUG in
quite a long time. I will take a look there. Thanks.
Not to particularly defend MC, but for one to suggest a possible solution that may work (or won't work) it is alway's only useful if the suggestor' advises from personal experience. MC covered that prerequisite.