Need help

I am close to purchasing my first set of headphones in decades, but none of my systems have a jack for this, so I gather I need a separate headphone amp, is this correct?  If so, what could be a great buy for lets say $500 or less?

Thanks for your help-
Stringreen, you most likely have no memory of this, but many years back I was interested in hearing Vandersteen 5A speakers, you lived near me, said it would be possible for me to drop by and hear yours, but I did not, then you moved away; still I need to thank you for the offer, such a kind person.  I did buy my own 5As, and of course love them.  Thank you for the generosity.  
Grado phones are an excellent choice i have three pairs of them also you should check out sennheiser and beyerdynamic in the 500 dollar or so range they all can provide good sound and a lot of listening pleasure.