Stereo Times list of the " 2020 MOST WANTED COMPONENTS"

Stereo Times ( has just posted its annual list of the MOST WANTED gear for 2020. I believe that you GON members would find it an interesting and informative read.
The only thing that piqued my interest (and didn't break the bank) were the Spatial Audio open baffle speakers.
@bobheinatz I will. It looks like delivery is now Tuesday. I bought a 2018 model which does not have the CODA #8 amp circuitry. That is not ideal but I paid half price so I cannot complain. The new CODA CSiB is supposed to be better than what I am getting. I imagine it is an evolutionary improvement.

I will try the CODA with the Thiel CS3.7 tomorrow and then compare with Benchmark AHB2 monos on Friday. I have a second AHB2 coming then. My single AHB2, while great it is not as powerful as needed for these speakers. I should have a more satisfying setup later this week.
For those who claim the list contains "Nothing of interest" does
this mean you have listened to them already or just despise the
name, appearance or country of origin enough to know they are out?

I had the Ares2 DAC last month and after 3 weeks had to sell it.
Too harsh. It was a big improvement over the Oppo 205 though.

A friend and longtime audiophile bought the PS Audio direct stream Phonostage recently and loves it. It did catch on fire initially but I understand that subsequent deliveries include an extinguisher. 

Lejonklou is a small Swedish company with some amazing stuff.

So all ye nay sayers can all KGFY in my book!
I appreciate seeing reviews and recommendations from stereotimes that would just not get a look from stereophile. My only concern about stereotimes is that their grading system seems to go from A- to A+. Can’t recall too many non-flattering reviews on that site and a plethora of “greatest this and that I’ve ever heard.”  They can all be good, but they can’t all be above average!  

I own the holo audio may DAC and love it. Wish I could afford to play around with all their recs.