ISO Pucks with Harbeth and Sklyan Stands

I have Harbeth SLH5 Plus Anniversary speakers with Skylan 4
post stands. Currently using the Q-Bricks that came with the stands.
Wondering if anyone has tried ISO Pucks between the SLH5
(or any Harbeth speaker) and Skylan stands. What differences in
sound, if any, did you notice.
Yes, I know what you mean. I haven't been on HUG in
quite a long time. I will take a look there. Thanks.
Not to particularly defend MC, but for one to suggest a possible solution that may work (or won't work) it is alway's only useful if the suggestor' advises from personal experience. MC covered that prerequisite.
This is not a specific answer to your question regarding ISO pucks but more about my experience with stands for my Harbeth SHL5 models, the SHL5, SHL5 30th Anniversary and the SHL5+. I owned the various models for about 10 years. I first used the Skylan stands and thought they were OK but nothing special. I thought they produced muddy bass and mid-bass. I then went to the Something Solid XF stands which were a major improvement across the board.

After about 2 years I then moved on to the ridiculously expensive TonTrager’s at the suggestion of the importer. These stands bring out the best of the SHL5+ for the whole spectrum.This is just my opinion and YMMV. I have recently sold my Harbeth’s and moved on to Vandersteen Treo CT’s.

You may want to look at the Harbeth pages on Facebook as they have had many discussions on stands and footers for the Harbeth’s.

Good Luck!

I've always preferred a hard interface between Harbeths and the stands, especially Skylans.  I used 3 or 4 casino chips and I thought the sound was more open.  But you have to try different things and see what works.  All dependent on your room and sonic preferences.