Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
The way it is going, we may need to ask for the second floor bar to be relocated to one of the meeting rooms.
I have to agree with teo and mc. And I’ll show up on the 2nd floor and have a toddy with you all! Basil Hayden dark rye, neat
I’ll be the dude with the MAGA hat
I feel a combination of gag reflex and bemused laughter watching a guy so in need of praise and affirmation, and apparently so starved of actual recognition, that he simply heaps it upon himself. It's at once, funny, sad and gross, funny because a supposed genius can't see how absurdly self nullifying he is, sad because of the picture of past unmet needs and gross because, well, it's just icky to witness. I submit there is a yawning gap between superior intellect and clownish fantasies of self inflation, and it's awfully easy to see which is which.