Schiit - shipments stopped?

Think they have stopped shipping, maybe ceased ops.

business failures do happen.

my order placed end of nov and no word.  I email and receive generic replies.

The Freya+ is their most popular product. Backordered most of the time. Par for the course and nothing to worry over. What did you expect, Music Direct? If that's your paradigm then it doesn't transfer to Schiit and it's churlish to expect otherwise.
I got an item shipped to me just this weekend. Took less than a week, but I live in Los Angeles.
I have it on good authority that it’s only OP’s order on hold, because they’ve determined he’s a complete wanker. I expect there will soon be many posts about people receiving their Freya+ orders in record time. I actually had one delivered today and I haven’t even placed the order yet. Anticipating my needs is great customer service. 
There was a fishing lure called a Wanker in the US, are you suggesting Emergingsoul is trolling or do you expect septics to understand British slang?