What ever happened to....

VPI Magic Bricks?
The bricks are a sink for transformer born EMI. That‘s what they are made for and that‘s what they do if your system is sufficiently resolving. The only more powerful way I have found to achieve the same goal is Acoustic Revive‘s REM-8 and they actually work well in combination.
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I still have and use a bunch of them.  Was a dealer back in the day and sold tons of them.

IMHO, they do what they were designed for...quite well, I might add.
I, "chock up" the very noticeable improvement that I (and everyone to which I’ve demonstrated the effect, in the past 40 years) have heard, to a redirection of the magnetic flux that surrounds most power transformers.     That’s called, "PHYSICS".        In the case of my Cary’s: it may be attributed to the power and output transformers being within one inch of each other (not to mention the input wiring).      Given the plethora of variables, that exist within this hobby; I’m not surprised there are experiential differences.       Of course: opinions - experience = abject ignorance (however, "projected").
Once the review is done and the craze has settled we all find out what the good products are and the ones that leave or stay tell you which accessories were worth the money or not.