Innuos Zenith mk3 complete disappointment

I have the following setup: Accuphase e480 with dac50 module, Magico A3, Chord SarumT speaker cables, Node2i a streamer only as I use Accuphase's day module. Chord Anthem bnc cable between Node and dac. (ethernet connection to streamer). I also have PSU mod for my Node2i.
I had opportunity to test Innuos Zenith mk3 during this week in my system. The same ethernet connection was used. From Innuos to dac I used entry level USB cable. 

I used Qobuz through Roon in Zenith and through BluOS in Node when testing. From the start Zenith sounded flat compared to Node2 and more I went through different music it became apparent that dynamic range was not on same level as with Node2. Especially the lower bass took a big hit compared to Node.  I also tested some highres music files with Roon and it was shocking to hear DSD with Zenith. PCM was "normal", but DSD was completely muffled, it was like hearing the music from the other room. One of the DSD records I tested was Temporary Circumstances - Clandestine Amigo (PS Audio - DSD64).

With Zenith all the testing I did was with the Roon, as iPeng client which I also tried was utter rubbish. I tried to level the sound volumes with iPhone app, but don't know how good job it did. For me Zenith was a complete disappointment from the sound quality point of view. Roon is Roon and I like it, but I think iPeng client is not on suitable level for the high end device like this. 
The problems with Zenith could be caused of course by my system: dac module on Accuphase or for example USB cable. Still I'm shocked how uninteresting sonically Zenith was compared to Node2i, as from price point of view it should be other way round.
Did you buy one of his pieces? Compare it to the Innuos or any other streamers/players?  
Like I said earlier, I totally agree with the comments related to comparing Node with Zenith. It should have been done with a proper USB cable, unfortunately the distributor in this case didn’t have anything else to give me and I don’t own any USB cables yet myself.
I have Chord Anthem coax cable for Node and I tried to get loaner for Chord Signature or SarumT USB cable for Zenith, but at the moment these are not in stock with the vendors I’m working with.

The most suprising thing with the Zenith was the DSD sound quality, which was just really bad. I have no way of testing is the problem Accuphases dac or Zenith, but through the Node (coax) the same files sound very good. Still it might be dac’s USB connection causing the trouble. 
It would have been ideal to test Zenith with the same coax cable I use with my Node, but unfortunately only USB output available in Zenith. The reason for the test was that I know my streamer (Node) is not on par with the rest of my system as it is also case with my current dac. I’m looking significant improvement for the both dac and streamer, but the test with Zenith was not what I expected. Maybe I need to rethink my options, which were Innuos, Auralic and Aurender.
I agree with all said regarding better usb cables. It’s all about implementation in both streamer and Dac, as to which format is best spdif vs usb. Some designers prefer one over the other and pay close attention to their favoured format, with the other connections getting less attention. Worth looking at the your Ethernet feed too, good cables, a switch between router and streamer, will all have an impact on the the streamers ability to perform. Another streamer worth listening to if you don’t need built in ripper and sever is the bricasti M5. It’s one of the best streamers I’ve heard under £5k and it’s a relative bargain $2.5k. 
I think those unit are WAY over priced for what’s in them.
There’s a channel on YouTube called
OCD Hifi guy. He opens one up and shows and talks about what’s on the inside.
I feel there is no doubt that your systems resolution is showing you exactly what that innous sounds like.

I wouldn’t pay that kind of money for what you get.
Rushfan sure you do not need to listen to a Innuos Zenith after the OCD HiFi guy complained about it...I seem to think he later apologized for his remarks ,...Then we have John Darko along with every other reviewer of a Innuos server must of conspired together to rate them so highly .

The OP obviously is having a problem somewhere and I think it’s more then just a bad USB cable .